Monday, January 10, 2011

Usage of Roll Paper Calculator Pro Evolution

or user's request, I upload the usage.

User's Voice:
Thank you your voice to calculator more bette

>The precentage key does not work.
- Normal calculator % usage is: A x B % ... result: AxB/100
- This calculator % usage is: A x B % = .... result: AxB/100
Why different, this calculator memory all your input and calculated result, then
A x B % + C .... on your paper , A , AxB% AxB%+c
if this calculator work same with normal, this paper memory cannot all calculation result.
if I have some misunderstanding, please re-comment again.

>Is it possible to add memory buttons?
See usage "Touch to re-input" in below image ( on the 4th row)
This calculator memory all input and calculation result.
if you touch any line , touched line's number can re- input current line.(replaced M/ MR)
and Jump to = by arrow key, and touch + operation replaced M+
Then this calculator need not memory / MR / M+ button.
Please retry this operation, and if any comment please again.


  1. I love your app. It's very clever and I use it a lot.
    The precentage key does not work. Is it possible to add memory butons?I wish someone could build a big office calculater with this function

  2. How to cut te paper off?

  3. You Can cut off the paper on A/AC button pressing 0.5 sec.
